Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Cards

March break was a crazy busy week (in a good way) and so I didn't get a chance to update any info here...sorry! This just a quickie post to share a couple of cards we'll make in class this Thursday evening. Tomorrow I hope to have time to upload the fabulous cards that have been submitted for our March card contest. They are all so bright and cheery and make me smile just to look at them. Anyway here are 2 of the 3 cards for this week's class...hope you like them (especially you Kim...LOL!)


  1. OOOh,LOVE those easter cards, they look yummy the chocolate bunny card, oh it already looks like someone had a bite of one of the ears. See you soon.

  2. Nice cards! The bunny on the second one is too cute!

  3. .....darling cards - would be a fun class!
