Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So proud!

Just a quick post to share a few photos of my nephew Michael's commissioning at Sandhurst last Friday. The top picture was taken at the parade, the centre one is (L to R ) my brother-in-law Roy, Michael's fiance Charlotte (also commissioned as an officer that day), yours truly, second lieutenant Michael James Pennington, and his sister, my niece Charlotte (yes...two Charlottes just to add to the general confusion...LOL. The last one of Michael and Charlotte was taken just before the ball. they had to wear their "mess kits" for the ball....doesn't look too messy to me!
It was a wonderful celebration and I'm so grateful to have been with them on such a special occasion. I know my sister Joan was smiling down with pride throughout the day and she had the best view possible.
Now to get back to reality...it may take a few days so bear with me folks!